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Abstract Futuristic Background


At the STADA Global Learning Festival 2022, we have a power packed agenda filled with golden nuggets of wisdom from the global speakers lined up for you.  Get insights that are actionable and relevant. Truly Global, the knowledge that they share truly has no bounds.

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Patti P. Phillips, Ph.D

What's it Worth? Demonstrating the Impact and ROI of Training and Development

Never has it been so important to invest in talent development. The question is: Are these investments worth it? This interactive session will explore the difference between activity-based and results-based training and development. It will introduce the ROI Methodology, the most widely used approach to demonstrating the impact and ROI of learning solutions.


During the session, participants will learn about the framework of data, process model, and standards that ensure reliability of results. Upon completion, participants will be able to:


  • Define five levels of outcomes

  • Calculate an ROI

  • Determine next steps to demonstrate the impact and ROI of their programs

Patti P Philips

Maria Ho

Building a Culture of Learning: Research from Association for Talent Development (ATD)

A culture of learning is an organizational culture in which employees continuously seek, share, and apply new knowledge and skills to improve individual and organizational performance. Researchers from the Association for Talent Development (ATD) found that organizations with learning cultures were far more likely to realize positive business results.

ATD provides a current look at these issues, delivers benchmarking data, and highlights best practices in talent and culture that are associated with better performance.

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Maria Ho
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Reinhard Peter Moors

Core Coaching Skills for Leaders - Initiating the Self-Organized Learning in Teams

Coaching has become the indispensable development tool for any forward-thinking 21st-century company. Unlike training, which may be more focused on imparting task relevant skills, coaching is intent on facilitating immediate and long-term (usually holistic) individual development. While the emphasis is on individual growth, the cumulative effect of a coaching approach on a business unit, department, or even a company has in many cases proven to be transformational.

Consider where in your own organization coaching could have the most impact: you could put it to work in team management, leadership development, working with individuals or groups in transition, communication, performance motivation, stress management, work-life balance, strategic planning, skills development. A suitably empowered Leader-as-Coach would recognize many opportunities to improve performance in the workplace.

Reinhard Moors

Jane Moors

Navigate a Successful Career in the New World of Work

Maximise your opportunities for career growth in the new world of work through learning how to 
•    connect your unique value proposition to the right career opportunities 
•    build a profile that captures your target audience 
•    optimise your network through building your personal brand 
•    apply expert interview techniques for confident virtual and in-person interviews 
•    leverage key principles for successful contract negotiation

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Dr. R. Karthikeyan

Learn with Joy- Wellness Training in Learning Agenda

The global pandemic has exposed the need for mental health services in individual, organizational and community settings. 

Wellness Training is no more a fad; it is crucial in employee engagement and productivity too. This presentation would share some best practices and recommendations for the heads of Talent Development 

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Jane Moors
Dr Karthikeyan

Patrick Liang

The Ultimate Guide to Establishing a Coaching Culture in your Company

In the new normal we are part of, it will require new skills, new processes, new structures, and new ways of thinking. No one is going to have all the answers. By offering employees the opportunity to grow their skills and attain their goals through new perspectives, a culture of coaching can transform a workplace climate. Data connects everything from collaboration to increased revenue with coaching outcomes. In fact, 70% of individuals who receive coaching report improved productivity and collaboration. And according to ICF research, 46% of organisations that reported having a strong coaching culture also said that their revenue growth was above that of their peers, compared with 39% of organisations without a strong coaching culture.

As more organisations begin to recognise the value of a coaching culture, how can you establish one in your company? A starting point to do that would be by discussing the below:

●      Why create a coaching culture?
●      What are the elements of a coaching culture strategy?
●      How do you effectively implement a coaching culture?

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Patrick Liang
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