Manage Process Improvement
SGD 500 (full price)
2 days
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About the Course
A systematic approach to improvement ensures more effective practices while providing clearer goals. A mapping is an important process for improvement because by clearly mapping relationships and issues, any firm can reduce the time it takes to improve something. Value-added analysis is useful for finding where time can be reduced or optimized.
Learning Objectives
On completion of this course, learners will be able to acquire knowledge and skills in bringing the resources and processes together to achieve the organisational set goals using variety of process improvement methodologies. It involves adopting a systematic approach in improving a process through process mapping, analyse the process and redesign the process.
Course Coverage
� Identifying improvement activities associated with concept of process management and using systematic process improvement model to meet the organisational goals.
� Defining the process relationship using suitable process mapping techniques.
� Performing analysis of the process for waste or non-value activities to facilitate redesigning the process in accordance with the process Improvement model.
� Redesigning the process using the results of the analysis and recommend potential measures to improve the functioning of the process to meet the organisational goals.
� Executing the changes to the process and resolve issues encounter
� Standardising the redesigned process to make change stay permanently by proper documentation and training in accordance with organisational procedures.
Target Audience
New and experience professionals, managers and executive (PMEs).